SENS Fundraiser

A Kids Outdoor Gear Sale: Sunday, January 14th, 2024


After receiving lots of kid gear donations from Soaring Eagle Nature School Families, we are hosting a Gear Sale Fundraising Event for SENS students and beyond! All families who’d be interested in getting affordable kid’s gear, including Helly Hansen and Blundstones, are welcome to participate!

The event

Get affordable new and used gear, while simultaneously raising funds for our Scholarship Fund. Come find quality items for your outdoor adventures, including hiking boots and rain boots, raingear, base-layers, mid-layers, outerwear, gloves, warm hats, and wool socks, from $5 to $40.

Location: Nature House at Maplewood Flats, North Vancouver

Date: Sunday, January 14th

Time: 10am to 12pm

Sliding scale to participate: Free to $20

The day includes the sale, door prizes, music, refreshments, and the opportunity to explore the nearby nature trails of the wildlife and bird conservancy at Maplewood Flats!


Why join the sale:

  • Eco-friendly
  • Affordable finds
  • Community building
  • Supporting a notable cause

Support our scholarship fund

All proceeds from the gear sales directly benefit our scholarship fund, making nature education accessible to more children in our community.


Join us for a day of sustainable shopping and community support! Mark your calendars, and we hope to see you there!

Know others in need of good quality gear for their kids? Share our event!

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